Dé Danann Publishers wishes to restore full integrity to the reliable works of Historians of the 19th and 20th centuries and those first hand accounts of New Zealand's colonial history, which have been supplanted by modern works written by social historians with P.C. agendas.



Out of Stock ........ (Hardback, limited edition )




The stone city in the Waipoua Forest

The Northern
Alignment Sequence

Waipoua Forest Archaeological dig, placing an embargo on 14 pages of carbon dating data.

The Mangawai Pyramid observatory.

The Triangulation
Site of Puketapu

The "Waitapu"
standing stone circle

The little, ancient stone city at Maungatapere

Ancient New Zealand domiciles

So you want to build a stone circle observatory!

What's up DOC ?

The Ancient Population

The mysterious Crosshouse at Miringa Te Kakara

Miringa Te Kakara & the Bush Barrow Lozenge

Another look at Si’nim, Greenstone & problem artefacts

A chronic case of
"catch 22"

And many more comparisons

Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

Hebrew codes

The Tabernacle encampment positions

The Bush Barrow Lozenge & The Urim & Thummim

Stonehenge, the Brasen Sea & the Waitapu Observatory

The Great Pyramid, located in the Stonehenge geometry

The Trilithon of

The High Seas, Barriers or Highways?

The Menhir computer
at Carnac

Herodotus and the Pyramid Acre

3,4,5 triangulation at Stonehenge

The Mayan calendar figures & PHI, encoded in the Great Pyramid

Pulemelei, beacon of the South

Silbury Hill

The Riddle of the Sphinx

And many more comparisons