Menkaure is the smallest of the three main pyramids of the Giza Plateau and was never quite finished off in the initial stage of construction. Perhaps it was the creeping aridity enveloping Egypt that caused Menkaure Pyramid's builders and architects to abandon the structure prior to completion. Evidence suggests that the Giza Plateau and greater Egypt were in decline as a preferred place to live by 5000-4000 BC and the long-term inhabitants were looking for fresher, more verdant terrain to establish new homes and civilisations.
The bulk of Egypt's population headed into the wide plenteous, territories of Western Europe. Others set up way-mark trails toward China and Korea and yet others to the distant colonies scattered around the globe.
The melange of peoples who stayed on in Egypt attempted, at some stage, to complete a small upper section of Menkaure Pyramid using mud bricks, but they were unable to sustain the effort as per the intended design specifications. This small, second stage, inferior top section was rounded off and fell 8.5 feet short of the original architectural design.Modern archaeologists, assessing Menkaure, have not always taken into account that the edifice never achieved its design height and make the mistake of computing its side angle based upon this diminished height factor. Here are the original, intended lengths and angles:
Figure 2: Menkaure Pyramid is an ingenious code-carrying repository and, despite its lesser dimensions, in comparison to the Great Pyramid or Khafre, is equally sophisticated. Its primary role was to code PHI, the Sabbatical Calendar cycle, the 18.613-year nutation cycle of the moon and the 11.52-code in its pyr. acreage value.
The official dimensions given for Menkaure Pyramid are:
1. Base length average = 356.5 feet.
2. Height (to the top of the inferior, apex brickwork that was added at a late epoch) = 217.86 feet.
3. Official face angle = 50.71-degrees.As stated, the official face angle is arrived at, by subjecting 1/2 the base length and the height factor to trigonometric calculation. This approach, however, does not take into account the fact that the pyramid was never properly completed.
As always, the ancient people set out these magnificent structures to contain specialised information and the close proximity values found in the Menkaure Pyramid dimensions help us to quickly identify the intended codes and finalised dimensions. By comparative analysis to other sites or by reference to the most used and repeated numbers of antiquity, these conclusions are supported and validated.1. We already know that the numerical value of 51.84 was highly important to this civilisation. The official angle hovers close to 51 degrees and it is accepted, in archaeological circles, that the pyramid was never properly completed. As stated, someone tried to finish the small residual apex shortfall later, but could not duplicate the finesse of former artisans, quality of product or geometric precision.
2. One site, which is very close in concept to the Menkaure Pyramid, is Stonehenge. One could easily conclude that the intended codes of the incomplete Menkaure Pyramid were taken to Southern England and incorporated directly into Stonehenge.
3. The more important circles of Stonehenge are PHI increases or decreases of the Aubrey Circle (with a diameter of 288 feet). Therefore, markers on the Avenue indicate the limits of a PHI increased circle, with a diameter of 465.9937632 feet (172.8 Megalithic Yards).
4. If the Aubrey Circle is decreased by PHI then the result is "Y" Holes (288 ÷ 1.6180339 = 177.9937985 feet...178 feet...66 Megalithic Yards). A PHI decrease on "Y" Holes gives the diameter of the Sarsen Circle outer rim.
5. Therefore, PHI, 288 and 178 are shown to be very important to Stonehenge, as well as 51.84-degrees azimuth, which is coded into the southwestern side of the heel stone, relative to a vector from site centre.
6. If the diameter of "Y" Holes at Stonehenge were doubled, the result would be 355.987597 feet, which would be visually detectable as 356 feet. This length is 132 Megalithic Yards. It will be recalled that the altar atop the Great Pyramid would have had a square footage side value of 132 sq. ft. per side (3' X 44'). The 132-code related to the "mile" measurement of 5280 feet and the perimeter value of the Menkaure Pyramid hints very strongly at a PHI related geodetic system based on PHI miles.
7. The compromised rounding out of the top apex section tells us that the intended angle must have been slightly in excess of 51-degrees and the best option would be to surmise a repeat of what transpired on the Great Pyramid. On that edifice two marginally different face angles were coded into the structure, although the literal one was 51.84-degrees. The other angle was a slight variation off 51.84-degrees, which was generated by a PHI formula...1/2 the base length X PHI to produce 4 diagonal face lines, which resolved vertically above the mid-point of the pyramid. When analysed, it was found that the PHI generated angle produced a side diagonal length that was only 2 inches less than one produced by a 51.84-degree angle. All the evidence would suggest that a similar method was applied to Menkaure Pyramid and that the side angle and face length to the apex was produced by the PHI formula.
8. The way to understand what was required by the architectural designers of Menkaure's angle and face length was is to look at what happened at Stonehenge in the PHI relationship between "Y" Holes and the Aubrey Circle. By applying the PHI formula of 1/2 the Menkaure base length X PHI...we get, 177.9937985 feet (178 feet...the same diameter as "Y" Holes) X PHI = 288 feet (the diameter of the Aubrey Circle).
9. This approach to configuring Menkaure Pyramid on a PHI generated angle of almost 51.83-degrees, also produces the sought after Pyramid acreage code. Therefore, 178 feet X 288 feet = 1.78 pyr. acres per side X 4 sides = 7.12 pyr. acres of 28800 sq, ft each. The base acreage is 356 feet X 356 feet = 4.4 pyr. acres...bringing the total pyramid acreage to 11.52.
10. The vertical height of Menkaure was 84 MY (226.524746 feet) and this related directly to the size of the Earth. Under the PHI assignment of the Great Pyramid, the ring of the Earth was found by the formula: The vertical height (453.049492 feet...168 Megalithic Yards) ÷ 1/2 the length of the altar (22 feet) = 20.59315873 (this length in inches was the PHI mnemonic called the Dynastic Egyptian Royal Cubit) X 1200 = 24,711.79047 (read as miles). Let's see how the vertical height of Menkaure Pyramid relates to this.
11. 24,711.79047 miles (X 5280) = 130,478,253.7 feet...÷ 226.524746 feet (84 MY) = 576000. Therefore the height of the Menkaure Pyramid was 1/576000th of the ring of the Earth or 1/1600th of 1 degree of arc under the PHI geodetic system. Alternatively, the height of Khafre Pyramid was 1/768th of 1 degree of arc under the sexagesimal geodetic assignment (768 is 1/3rd of 2304).
12. The coding of the Menkaure Pyramid's base length would also have included a "rounded PHI" measurement using a 1.62 feet increment. Under such circumstances the symbolic length along the base would be read as 220 rounded PHI feet per side and the side length as 356.4 feet. This means that the base perimeter would comply to the "11" series measurement increments like the fathom (5.5 feet), with exactly 259.2 (Precession increment) fathoms around the base perimeter. Likewise there would be 86.4 (Sun diameter increment) rods/ perches. There would be 21.6 (Moon diameter increment) chains. This also means that the base perimeter would be 2160 links (of 7.92 inches each) and if each link represented a mile, then this would code the 2160 mile diameter of the Moon. These "11" series increments, like the fathom or furlong, were much used in Great Britain up until recent history. It's altogether possible that Menkaure Pyramid was built to an exact "link" or "fathom" increment, as this would be an easy measurement to work with. In consideration of the official length being averaged to 356.5 feet, the 356.4 feet produced by the "fathom" method is enticingly close.
13. It is inconceivable that the designers of Menkaure Pyramid could have gotten this close to a raft of dynamic codes by chance without knowing the codes. The forgoing analysis obviously describes what the design intention was. The totality of codes chosen point toward Menkaure Pyramid being of particular importance to Stonehenge, inasmuch as two of Stonehenge's primary circles are found by exactly the same mathematical formula and achieve the exact same values as 1/2 Menkaure's base length ("Y" holes) or its side diagonal length (Aubrey Circle). Other Stonehenge circles, like the Sarsen Circle, are simply PHI reduced expressions of the Menkaure side and base values. The Sarsen circle outer rim circumference, at 345.6 feet, is also 11.52 inches per degree of arc or 11.52 feet per lintel face, reminiscent of Menkaure's acre code.
Organised, functioning society needs to work to schedules in order to maintain an efficient, cohesive identity. It needs nationally observed holidays (holy days or Sabbaths), festival days, specific times for planting and harvesting, as well as nationwide, regulated custom and practice.
This is why we must have calendar systems, as the prospects for civilisation without calendars is negligible.
One of the foremost calendar systems of antiquity was the Sabbatical system, used by the Israelites and mentioned in the Bible.
Unfortunately, some portions of the system were lost or supplanted by the enforced imposition of other systems, instituted by Israel's many conquerors. Vestiges of the Sabbatical calendar system seemed to persist amongst the inhabitants of ancient Britain, who worked to a 13-month year. The same, highly functional system appears to be coded into the base measurements of Menkaure Pyramid under a standard, whole foot, symbolic assignment. Again, a parallel can be drawn between what happened on the Menkaure Pyramid and the 56-post positions of the Aubrey circle at Stonehenge.1. The official figure related to Menkaure's base length hovers very close to 356.5 feet. If in fact this was read as 357 feet, then it would represent a perfect septimal number and be suitable for calibrating the Sabbatical Calendar system. Under that system the 7th day was the Sabbath, the 7th month was a Sabbatical month, the 7th year was the Sabbatical Year and 7 X 7 Sabbatical Years was very important, as all final corrections and details of society were completed in that year. The prescribed goal was to enter into the 50th or Jubilee Year with debts paid or forgiven, the land rested and rejuvenated and the calendar precisely corrected and running true. Although total cleansing and renewal was of greatest importance in the 49th year, it also occurred during each Sabbatical (7th) Year.
2. Under the Sabbatical calendar system, every 7th day was the Sabbath and there was no change to this condition until the end of 7 years. The duration of 1 year was set to 13 months of 28 days each, culminating in an annual count of 364 days.
3. It was recognised by the priest/ mathematicians that an error approximating 1.25 days was accumulating with the passage of each year and by the end of the 7th or Sabbatical Year the error in the calendar had grown to 8.75 days, based upon the 365.25 day, "Sirius or Sothic" year. During that 7-year period farmers could adjust planting schedules by a day or two, so there was minimal disruption to the important chores or fluid maintenance of timed events.
4. At the end of the 7th or Sabbatical Year there would be an 8-day festival, wherein 8 intercalary days would be added to the calendar. This meant that the new cycle of Sabbatical Years began with a .75-day deficit, which continued to accrue until the end of the 49th year. The festival leading into the Jubilee Year lasted for 13 days instead of 8 and the theoretical degree of error left in the calendar was less than 4 hours.
The above explanation outlines the mathematical basis of the Sabbatical cycle system that would be taught to initiates in the "Schools of Learning". Some groups might have disposed of the .75 of a day deficit at the Vernal or Autumn equinoxes of each Sabbatical Year and forgone the 13-day festival at the end of the 49th Year. Traditions persist of a 13-day festival in ancient Great Britain, as well as observing a 13-month year, with each month bearing the names of animals or trees.
So how is such a system to be found in the base dimensions of the Menkaure Pyramid and, further to that, how can Menkaure's system be demonstrated in Stonehenge?
1. If we consider that Menkaure's symbolic base measurement was 357 feet with each foot representing a day, then that equates to 51 weeks or 12.75 months of 28 days each. With the duration of one 364-day year the 1st year would end 7 feet into side two. The second year would end 14 feet into side 3. The third year would end 21 feet into side 4. The fourth year would end 28 feet into side 5. The fifth year would end 35 feet into side 6. The sixth year would end 42 feet into side 7 and the seventh year 49 feet into side 8.
2. With the passage of 7 years, it's now time to add in the deficit days, so 8 feet are added to the 49 feet that the count has encroached into side 8. This means the final encroachment was 57 feet at the end of the first Sabbatical Year...hmm...that works well in a side length of 357 feet, leaving a nice figure of 300 feet in which to recommence the next 7-year cycle.
3. The eighth year terminates 64 feet into side 9 and so forth, until at the end of 7 X 7 years (the last Sabbatical Year in the series before the Jubilee year) the point of termination is 105 feet (10 reeds) from the end corner on side 56. This is also 252 feet (24 reeds) from the beginning of side 56. All of the numbers, which emerge are the primary numbers of antiquity, in constant usage.
4. The same Sabbatical Calendar formula works perfectly at Stonehenge, by overlaying the Aubrey Circle posts with a 7-pointed star and completing counts between ray-points. To review earlier material:
Figure 12: The 14-pointed star used for calculating the Sabbatical Calendar at Stonehenge. The system was built around a 13-month year, with each month being exactly 28 days in duration (364-days). This means there was a deficit error of close to 1.25 days per annum, when compared to the true solar year. Rather than disrupt society by making annual corrections to the calendar, the system was allowed to run for 7 years until the Sabbatical year. At the termination of the 7th year, there was a festival of 8 days and the calendar was corrected. The cycle then recommenced.
In the above ground plan of Stonehenge 2 overlaying stars, each of 7-points, are placed into the geometry. Star-rays at 90 degrees azimuth and 270 degrees azimuth point toward the equinoctial sunrise and sunset...(true east-west).
The solar year was measured from equinox to equinox and this allowed the astronomer/ mathematicians to detect any error in the true calendar position. The actual calendar itself was allowed to drift into marginal accumulative error during a seven-year period, before the insertion of 8 intercalary, corrective days.
Under this age-old system originating in Egypt, each 7th day was a Sabbath, each 7th month was a Sabbatical month, each 7th year was a Sabbatical year and the 7th Sabbatical year was special, inasmuch as major correction occurred then, before commencement of the 50th or Jubilee year. One of the functions of the 56 Aubrey posts was to count out a full Sabbatical cycle, such that all would be correct and running true before the outset of a Jubilee year. The count aspect was done within the confines of a 7-pointed star pattern.
Based on the ground-perimeter calibration assigned to the Menkaure Pyramid, the 56-post, Aubrey circuit worked like this:(A). Commencing in the space between post 56 and 1, move 7 spaces. Each interval was assigned a value of 357 days (51 weeks...12.75 months).
(B). The 7 posts encountered in this segment, dividing spaces 1 - 7, were assigned a value of 7 days each and the combination of 1 space and 1 post added up to 364 days per space/ post interval (52 weeks...13 months of 28 days each).
(C). The count would move through 7 spaces and 7 posts, culminating in a passage of 7 years or 2548 days (13 Sabbatical months...of 196 days duration each). This meant that an error of 1.25 days had built up each year, for 7 years (based on the heliacal rise of Sirius...365.25 days) and the calendar was now 8.75* days in arrears... 8 full days and 3/4 of a day.
(D). The 8th space had no value, but acted as a division between one Sabbatical Year period and the next. However the 8th post (which was a star-ray point) was assigned a "catch-up" value of 8 days and this was added to the 2548 days already accrued. The new Sabbatical Year, therefore, commenced on the 2556th day with only .75 of a day of deficit error. The process was then duplicated through each span between star-ray points, with posts 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 and 56 all providing the 8 intercalary days to correct the calendar before commencing a new Sabbatical period.
(E). At the end of the 7th Sabbatical period (49 years) the last of the 8 intercalary days were added at the post 56 position (the 7th star-ray point), plus an additional 5 days (13 days total). The 5 additional days were the result of the .75 of a day of deficit (based on the Sirius Year count of 365.25 days) per sabbatical period X 7 such periods (5.25 days actual). The .25 of a day beyond 5 days was sacrificed to render the 49 year average at 365.244898 days per annum. The precise figure sought after was 365.2420 days (Mayan Year) and the margin of error, after 49 years, was less than 4 hours...based on nothing more than counting posts. A major check and balance system for precise reckoning existed in observing the equinox rises and sets, but the 56 posts could be used to teach initiates the mathematical basis of the Sabbatical cycle concept.
*Footnote: The 8.75 days of error that had accrued by the termination of a Sabbatical Year, is eternally coded into many sites. One way that this is done is by a ratio difference occurring between the dimensions of widely distributed structures. The ratio difference in the coded circumference of the Sarsen Circle, outer rim, at Stonehenge and the base perimeter of the Great Pyramid, is exactly 1: 8.75...(345.6 feet to 3024 feet).
The very important lunar nutation cycle was also a horrendously difficult one to compute exactly and fix precisely. It probably would have taken generations of observing the cycle to finalise its duration down to the refined figure of one day. The problem stems from the moon reaching "major standstill" then returning to and hovering at that position for months on end. It's difficult to determine the midpoint, when the downhill slide to "minor standstill" commences.
On the Khafre Pyramid the base measurements, in inches, calibrated the cycle to 6804 days in 10-inch increments per day. The true cycle (returning to "major standstill") endures for 6798.32 days.The Menkaure Pyramid was able to refine the cycle to 6800 days in terms of its reed count, which was 34 reeds per side, based upon the non-PHI assignment of 357 feet. This means that 200 circuits of the Pyramid would represent the duration of the lunar cycle @ 1 reed per day.
Alternatively, if one chose to use the pyramid's inch count of 17136 inches for a full circuit, then the lunar cycle could be described as 6800 days with 2.52 inches (1/50th of a reed) representing each day.
Other mnemonic reference could be found in 1/2 the reed value for 1 side, which was 17 reeds. A quarter of the 6800-day cycle would be 1700 days, with each side being 1700 X 2.52 inches.
Again, these numbers are uncanny in their similarity to the British coded values, as found at Stonehenge and upon Stonehenge's dynamic little static computer...a device called, The Bush Barrow Lozenge.Footnote: The Dashur Pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt was 1.75: 1 in ratio larger around its base perimeter than Menkaure and worked to the exact same standard code (357)...with the subtle difference that Menkaure worked in feet, whereas Dashur worked in Royal Cubits of 21 inches.
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