Further very compelling proof that the Nazca line builders had come from homelands in the Mediterranean is provided by a huge inscription, in Phoenician writing, spelt out by stone heaps. The site where it is found is at Palpa Mountain, about 9-miles (14.5-kilometres) NNW of where the main body of Nazca desert geometry commences. The huge inscription is described in archaeological literature as 300-metres long and 20 metres wide and says:
Dr Winters transliteration:
Come down [into
the earth] and spread this. Strain and pacify the water [in
the area]
Come and spread [within this region].
Grace. Go out [among the land]
and become strong.
Dr Winters further commented: “It would be interesting
if this area was settled in the past and provided arable land and water for
the ancient farmers”.
This, of course, occurred and in the Nazca region further south alone, over
93-miles (150-kilometers) of mostly subterranean aqueducts (aquifiers) had
to be dug, along with multiple filtration galleries and their associated "puquios"
(wells). These ancient works are the only reason the region is habitable today.
Some Internet commentary on the origins of the Phoenician script:
According to the ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, the Phoenicians introduced their alphabet to Greece. Cadmus the Phoenician is attributed with the credit for this introduction. Further, Phoenician trade was the vessel which speeded the spread of this alphabet along side Phoenician trade which went to the far corners of the Mediterranean. Phoenician alphabet is the ancestor of the Greek alphabet and, hence, of all Western alphabets. The earliest Phoenician inscription that has survived is the Ahiram epitaph at Byblos in Phoenicia, dating from the 11th century BC and written in the North Semitic alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet gradually developed from this North Semitic prototype and was in use until about the 1st century BC in Phoenicia proper. Phoenician colonial scripts, variants of the mainland Phoenician alphabet, are classified as Cypro-Phoenician (10th-2nd century BC) and Sardinian (c. 9th century BC) varieties. A third variety of the colonial Phoenician script evolved into the Punic and neo-Punic alphabets of Carthage, which continued to be written until about the 3rd century AD. Punic was a monumental script and neo-Punic a cursive form.
There is considerable confusion these days concerning just who the seafaring Phoenicians were, inasmuch as they ranged from Byblos, Sidon & Tyre, in Lebanon (formerly Israel or Canaan) and that region has undergone multiple conquests and occupations since 750 BC. In the earliest years and through their "golden-age" of shipping goods around the Mediterranean or trading, mining and setting up colonial outposts far afield, the Phoenicians were Hebrews.
One of the great historical mistakes that is perpetuated today is to call the Hebrew people "Jewish". The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people who today call themselves Jewish have no traceable ethnic links to the Hebrew-Phoenicians mother country and none to the Hebrew-Phoenicians themselves. Jewish people (over 92%) are ethnic Khazars (Ashkenazi) whose lands of origin were around the Ukraine of Russia (over a thousand miles northwards of Israel-Phoenicia). Prior to that the Khazars had migrated into Eastern Europe from Mongolia. They are a people who adopted the Babylonian Talmudic-Pharasee religion in the 8th century AD, around 1700-years after the Hebrew-Israelite-Phoenician "golden age".
The vast majority of Jewish people are not even of "Semitic" origin, but have only adopted one of the Semitic religions (a late era Babylonian-Pharassee form). Even the very small percentage of Sephardim-Babylonian-Jewish people (Sephardim means Spanish) stem from a period of about 1000-years after the Hebrew-Phoenician "golden age". They were Babylonian refugees who fled from the Romans in about 70 AD and have some ethnic roots going back to the Babylonian conquerors who defeated the last Hebrew kingdom. The Semitic Babylonians occupied Israel from 586 BC until their own expulsion under the Roman general Titus. One Jewish Rabbi historian commented: "The era of the Hebrews ended when the era of the Jews began". The statement is only partially correct, inasmuch as it can only encompass the very small percentage of so-called Sephardim-Jewish people of today, whose ancestry can be traced back to the Babylonian refugees who fled from the Romans to Spain or to other countries like Ethiopia around 70 AD.
The term "Jewish" seems to be loosely based upon "Judeans" or people from the land called "Judea"... the former Southern Kingdom of the Hebrew or Israelite tribe of "Judah". Neither the Ashkenazi Turko-Khazzar Jewish people nor the Babylonian Sephardim Jewish people have any links to the Semitic Hebrew-Phoenician-Israelites.
The actual Hebrew-Phoenician refugee survivors fled from Israel-Lebanon between the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC, as their kingdoms and fortress cities fell to Assyrian, and later, Babylonian invaders. Most sought sanctuary amongst their cousins in Continental Europe, with many going to Britain, Greece, Corsica, Sardinia, or Sicily after escaping, firstly, to Egypt. Many gained sanctuary at colonial outposts like Carthage and remained there until losing it and other Mediterranean Islands to the Romans during the "Punic wars" (Punic is the latin word for Phoenician and Carthage was, by the time of the Punic wars in 264 BC, a Greco-Phoenician confederation).
It must be remembered that the Hebrew-Phoenicians had tin mines in Cornwall, England from at least 1300 BC and copper mines in Cyprus (the Phoenician name for England was "Cassiderites" or "Tin Island" and "Cyprus" means "Copper"). Continued access to tin was highly important to ancient Mediterranean nations, as it was an essential ingredient in the fabrication of bronze weapons or other important utensils. An historical fact, which is emerging very strongly accompanied by indisputable archaeological and geographical evidence, is that ancient Troy was situated on the Gog Magog hills of Cambridgeshire in England and that the Trojan War was fought between Celtic nations, primarily over access or ownership of British tin resources. For a profound study on the true setting for events described in Homer's Iliad CLICK HERE
The Hebrew-Phoenicians also had very rich silver mines at Rio Tinto in the region of Huelva, southwestern Spain. An early era name for Spain was Iberia, which means "Hebrews". Further strong evidence shows that the Phoenicians had mining operations at Sarina Beach in Western Australia, where iron and other metals, scarce in the Mediterranean, were plentiful and the ore very rich in metal content. Gold was plentiful in the Americas and would have been a strong enticement to sail to that region. We know that ancient mariners were bringing South American tobacco and cocaine from Bolivia / Peru to the Egyptians, as these substances have been positively detected in Egyptian mummies CLICK HERE
There is also compelling evidence to show that the early Hebrew-Phoenicians were ranging to the northern shore of Lake Superior in Canada to mine copper, which, it appears, was later refine-smelted at Enzion-Geber of Southern Israel. Sophisticated blast furnaces, exploiting the strong, steady winds blowing up the Gulf of Aqaba, were in operation around 1000 BC and the slag heaps, left over from the smelting and purifying, remain. It is estimated that 500,000,000 pounds of copper was removed from northern Lake Superior, none of which remained in the Americas (See: The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Found, by Stephen M Collins, pp. 26-28).
Left: An early Phoenician coin, showing a Phoenician
galley ship. An expert on the subject of Phoenician history and shipwright
advances states: "Nor were these boats tiny. The
galley fighting ships, with their rows of galley oars, could have a crew of
over a hundred people ... But even those were small compared to the Phoenician
cargo ships with their vast, rounded hulls. These ocean-going ships were built
for huge loads and long hauls. They made the extended trips from Mediterranean
ports out to Cadiz, Lixis and other destinations on the Atlantic Ocean coasts
of Spain and Morocco ... People have remarked that those cargo ships which
sailed the seas for many hundreds of years B.C. were comparable in size to
the ones Columbus sailed to America in 1492 A.D. Thor Heyerdahl, the modern-day
explorer, noted that the Phoenicians could have sailed to Central America
themselves ... well-informed people see it as being within the capabilities
of Phoenician ships and navigators." (Sanford Holst,
Cambridge & Boston Press).
Right: One of several coins struck during the Punic (Phoenician) Wars, showing
Hannibal's profile. Each varying coin depicts a consistently remarkable likeness,
although on some Hannibal's image faces the opposite direction.
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In his 1988 article, Corpus des inscriptions runiques d'Amérique du Sud (Body of Runic Inscriptions of South America) , Jacques de Mahieu displays photos and provides commentary about the wide distribution of pre-Columbian, Runic writing throughout South America (See: Belgian journal Kadath, no. 68, pp. 11 - 42; article about Viking (hyperborean) contacts in South America. In the panels opposite are two examples of runes, out of many found in South America. (A). Runes on the 'coiffure' of a statue from San Augustin, Columbia. (B). Runes found on a Nazca urn, Peru, followed by their 'normalization' from an abbreviated form into separated individual letters.
There is very clear evidence of Pre-Columbian Runic writing from the Eastern seaboard of the United States to inland states like Minnesota and Oklahoma and then to the southernmost countries of South America. Rather than deal with the extant evidence, Jacques de Mahieu's work has been "all-too-conveniently" vilified on the basis that he was a Vichy French collaborator during WWII. The authenticity of the North American runes, as well as European ogam writing found there, is beyond question and the South American Runic evidence is also deserving of unbiased scholarly investigation. In Paraguay alone some sixty-one rock inscriptions have been identified as Viking Runes (Viking alphabet) by the Runologist Dr. Hermann Munk, who has stated that the Paraguayan sites are a uniquely important legacy of Viking culture.
A lengthy Phoenician script was found in a remote area
of Brazil in the 19th century. Amongst many American artefacts found to be
bearing ancient Semitic writing is a large stone dish that was located on
the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. It is housed at a minor La Paz museum
and is labeled La Fuente Magna (See: )
So many clearly decipherable, ancient Mediterranean-European scripts have
now been located in the Americas, photographed and subjected to expert scrutiny,
that their existence, wide distribution or generally accepted translations
should never be in dispute.
Caucasoid (European)
Hairs of Caucasoid or Caucasian origin can be of fine to medium coarseness,
are generally straight or wavy in appearance, and exhibit colors ranging from
blonde to red to auburn to brown to black. The hair shafts
of Caucasian hairs vary from round to oval in cross section and have fine
to medium-sized, evenly distributed pigment granules.
Mongoloid (Asian & South American Indian)
Hairs of Mongoloid or Asian origin are regularly coarse, straight, and circular
in cross section, with a wider diameter than the hairs of the other
racial groups. The outer layer of the hair, the cuticle, is usually
significantly thicker than the cuticle of Negroid and Caucasian hairs, and
the medulla, or central canal, is continuous and wide. The hair shaft,
or cortex, of Mongoloid hair contains pigment granules that are generally
larger in size than the pigment granules of Caucasian hairs and which
often appear to be grouped in patchy areas within the shaft. Mongoloid hair
can have a characteristic reddish appearance as a product of its pigment.
Negroid (African)
Hairs of Negroid or African origin are regularly curly or kinky,
have a flattened cross section, and can appear curly, wavy, or coiled.
Negroid pigment granules are larger than those found in Mongoloid and Caucasian
hair and are grouped in clumps of different sizes and shapes. The density
of the pigment in the hair shaft may be so great as to make the hair opaque.
A Negroid hair shaft exhibits variation or apparent variation in diameter
because of its flattened nature and the manner in which it lies on the microscope
slide. Twisting of the hair shaft, known as buckling, can be present, and
the hair shaft frequently splits along the length.
Conventional Descriptions of Race
(Coon 1965)
Skin fair; eyes pale blue to dark brown; hair straight or wavy; faces/noses
narrow/beaked to broad/snubbed; thin lips; small-medium teeth; little prognathism;
prominent chins; beard/body hair pronounced; relatively long trunk
Skin sallow brown/white to brown; eyes brown; hair straight and black; beard/body
hair sparse; high cheekbones; slant eyes (epicanthic fold); shovel-shaped
incisors; flat faces; flat or beaked noses; considerable prognathism; receding
Most archaic; beetling brows; sloping forehead; deep-set eyes; large noses;
large teeth; pronounced prognathism; hair curled to straight; beard/body hair
pronounced; skin sooty near-black to light brown; eyes brown; hair brown (some
blond); long thin arms and legs.
Congoid: (Negroid)
Skin glossy black; eyes black; hair tightly curled; moderate beard/body hair;
bulbous forehead; large nose; thick lips; round head; short trunks/long legs;
buttocks protrude.
Capoid: (Bushmen)
A typical remnants of former major division of mankind; short, infantile looking;
flat faces; yellow-brown skin; wrinkle early; peppercorn hair; medium beard/
sparse body hair; short limbs; small hands and feet; protruding buttocks.
Austroloids come from Australia and its environs and are made up of people resident in Southeast Asia, as well as Asia or Oceania. They are classified by their physical characteristics such as dark skin and dark curly hair. This race is also divided into groups, which include the Australian Aborigines, the Papuans, the Melanesians, the Negritos of Southeast Asia, the Veddahs of Sri Lanka, and the Micronesians. The Austroloids have a deep infraglabellar notch (the notch between the forehead and upper nose), strong projection of the lower face, and a flat forehead.
Note: There can be wide variations to these generalisations in physical anthropology, especially in zones where traditional racial stocks border and blend into each other (i.e.) North Africa or Eastern Europe and Asia Minor. South American Inca Indians fall under the more general classification of Mongoloid, as that dominant racial stock has contributed the greater part of what constitutes the present-day South American (Aztec-Inca-Mayan) Indian physiology.
*The methods of measuring skulls for the purpose of determining certain topographical relations, the most important measurement of the skull being the cranial index, or the cephalic index in case the measurements are taken on the living. This consists in the ratio of the width of the head above the ears to the length of the head from the forehead to the most distant point at the back of the head. The cephalic index is expressed by multiplying the width of the head by 100 and dividing the product by the length. Thus, supposing a head to be 153 mm. wide and 186 mm. long, then 153 × 100/186 = 82.26, the cephalic index. The broader or rounder a head is, the higher is its cephalic index, and vice versa. When the cephalic index is above 80 anthropologists term it "brachycephalic"; between 75 and 80, "mesocephalic"; and less than 75, "dolichocephalic."
The long thin face and wide round eyes of a European, peering from his elaborate feather-plume headdress, is carved into this ancient wall relief at Palenque, Mexico. The faceted design associated with the eyes denotes the sparkle or glitter effect, commonly found in light coloured eyes like green or blue. The individual shown also has a prominent moustache, unlike the present-day Indians who are considered to be beardless. There are thousands of depictions of these bearded, long-faced people in statues, wall reliefs, decorative pots, paintings or figurines throughout the Americas. Some South American artefacts, depicting faces, have bluestone gems inset to indicate the eyes and their blue colouration. In the above wall relief, the individual's nose is the leptorrhine (long narrow) type and the crainial shape would be classified as dolichocephalis, consistent with European physiology and the physical anthropology of tens of thousands of preserved mummies found throughout Central & South America.
Two ancient artefacts from Mexico that are classified as Olmec. The facial form to the left is clearly Mongoloid and the facial form to the right is considered by some to be quite African Negroid. A combination of all of these physical types, in various admixtures from region to region, have contributed to the physiology of present-day Indians of North, Middle and South America. The facial form on the right is quite typical of a type seen copiously in regions of Polynesia, especially around Samoa or to a lesser degree, Tonga. Both of these Polynesian / Melanesian groups, especially the Samoans, also show a high incidence of the distinctively Mongoloid trait of slanted eyes (epicanthic fold), although the wider-eyed, broad-head, heavy brow and thick lip individuals, as depicted on the right, are equally abundant. The head type would be reasonably consistent with the “Negrito” or oldest Polynesians of the Northern Hawaiian chain, who displayed traits of brachycephalism (short head) and platyrrhine noses (broad and flat-bridged).
Two more examples of the Olmec physical type, which, in very generalised terms, appears to be a combination of Pacific Negrito and Mongoloid physiology, but a radical departure away from the physiology of the people of the elaborately prepared "mummy bundles", as found at Nazca, Paracas and elsewhere in Central & South America.
A copious assortment or oral-tradition evidence, physical anthropological or forensic evidence, artefact and mural evidence, shows us very clearly that there was a long enduring European Caucasoid civilisation in Peru and many other Middle or South American countries from remote antiquity. They survived until recent millennia, when they were overwhelmed and annihilated. The fate of many, it would seem, was to die as sacrificial offerings on the altars of their captors. Legends about these white-skinned "Viracochas" abound in the oral histories of Peru and the Chachapoyas (the cloud people), who survived in the high, inhospitable country until quite a late era, were described as tall white people. Fairly recently, 32 of their "quipu" (khipu) string knot calculation devices were found amongst 200 of their mummies, recovered from high mountain tombs. To read a 1943 scientific report about "hair sample" tests done on ancient coastal Peruvian mummies, CLICK HERE
Think about it! ... we are bombarded with TV shows and movies about super-sleuth forensic scientists who can identify murder victims from nothing more than a bag of bones and some assorted putrified tissue (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York, Without A Trace, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Bones, Crossing Jordan), etc., etc.
These brilliant experts depicted on the "boob-tube", who understand the physiological differences between ethnicities, can tell from hair samples, blood-groups and DNA, or particular physical attributes of the cranium and greater skeleton, who the victim was or even if they were a mix of several ethnicities. Their profound knowledge and ability to get to the truth is so intimidating that one misplaced hair, blotch of blood or slight residue of the murderer's scratched skin under the victim's fingernails is sufficient to get a murder conviction. No-one wants to mess with the team at CSI Miami, or CSI New York, or a myriad of other crime scene investigators and forensic scientists.
But hold on! ... tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies have been exhumed in Peru and many other South American or Middle American countries, but their ethnicity remains a totally unsolvable mystery. It's a case of: "All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again". Apparently, the brightest and the best in our scientific community are absolutely stumped by these anomalous, mummified humans, who might as well be two-headed, scaly-skinned reptilians from Draco - so mystifying and indefinable is their physiology, never seen on Earth before...
Our experts can figure out the diet of the mummified people by food-stuffs in the stomach, the cause of death in many cases, the age of the deceased at the time of death, the diseases that they had (even syphilis and tuberculosis from long before the Spanish conquest), but despite being presented with large samples of blond, red, auburn, brown or darker hues of thin diameter European hair and accompanying tissue, or full European skeletal and craniology features, still can't figure out which ethnic group these people belonged to. This must rate as the biggest "hush-hush unmentionable" in modern-day archaeological and anthropological cover-ups. The whole socially-engineered sham is an insult to human intelligence. Either the "experts" are a pack of imbeciles, or they think we are.
A mummy bundle, carefully enshrouded within a protective plastic bag
by the archaeologists, is removed for transportation to the lab. At the lab
the protective plastic is removed and the mummy bundle itself then carefully
opened to expose its amazing historical content, the true significance of which
is kept secret from the public.
Now the propaganda began in earnest. A huge, perfectly intact mummy bag was
carefully opened before the cameras and the artefacts of a seemingly wealthy
group of weavers (as evidenced by the artefacts included), enjoying an abundant
lifestyle, was exposed to the expectant world. This "bundle of joy",
it was inferred, was obviously from the utopian civilisation that preceded the
evil and dreaded Conquistadors. After this very positive and moving interlude,
a second mummy bundle was opened before the camera. Oh bugger! This bundle contained
a mother and child, and the jaw of the child, as well as other regions of the
skull, showed distinct porosity of the bone, impelling the resident anthropologist
to comment soberly that this was 'a very sick child'.
The ensuing, "politically-convenient" logic went something
like this:
Inasmuch as the poor infant, of tender age, had
succumbed to disease, and even though this second perfectly
intact bundle had been found deep down in the same approximate strata or level
as the earlier "bundle of joy", it was stated this one must've been
interred just after the [filthy, disease-ridden] Spanish
arrived and the drawn-conclusion was that the child had contracted
a European disease from the Conquistadors. What followed was a lengthy diatribe
on how "paradise" had been reduced to "hades" by the arrival
of the filthy Spanish.
Although this researcher doesn't really want to "rain on anyone's parade",
perhaps a few questions are in order.
Archaeologist-anthropologist "Willy" surveys the "moonscape" where grave robbers have turned the terrain upside down. He saunters past a red-headed skull that has been unceremoniously cast aside by the treasure seekers and observes other strewn remains scattered about. In the picture to the right, children run, jump over and play amongst the picked-over remains of the ancient Peruvian high civilisation. The utter contempt and lack of respect shown demonstrates that many modern day Peruvians feel no family or cultural affiliation to these very foreign human remains of enemies that their forebears conquered long before the arrival of the Spanish Conquistadors.
The gagged physical anthropologist to the left places reddish coloured, Peruvian mummy hair into a test tube for analysis (not that the general public will ever get to see the results). The physical anthropologist to the right examines the pitted and porous skull of a 3-year old infant and her prognosis is that the child has succumbed to disease and malnutrition. As a consequence, the only logical conclusion drawn is that this must be a burial from after the filthy, disease ridden Spanish else would the child have gone hungry and become sick??? According to the "stave-off" commentary, identifying the physical anthropology of these tens of thousands of well preserved mummies. 'is going to be a very long term study. It's going to take five, six, eight years'. Strange that! ... Mildred Trotter (centre) and her colleagues had undertaken analysis on Peruvian mummies over 60-years ago and positively shown from the results obtained that the specimens studied fitted the profile of ethnic Europeans.
The scientific work has been done, but is mostly inaccessible to the public, except through very deep and expensive digging into rare scientific journals & periodicals. The results are understood and clear at some high level of the scientific community, but there will be no "trickle-down" of the salient facts, as they don't quite fit someone's political agenda. The dumbed-down, shifting herd must never be privy to this information, lest they gain a grasp on true history.... Ad nauseam, ad infinitum.....
We get the message loud and clear ... ancient Europeans aren't allowed to be in Central & South America and any great works they did there have to be given away to an altogether different ethnicity ... the academic community must remain vigilant and ever watchful to keep inconvenient "unmentionable-facts" under-wraps and out of sight or the greater public ... yet another UNESCO-promoted, PC establishment case of "erase all trace of the European race".
Who is in control of the dissemination of South American archaeological, physical anthropological and forensic evidence? It appears obvious that the authorities in Central and South America are pulling the same stunt as the authorities in New Zealand on the opposite end of the Pacific Ocean, regarding evidence of the oldest civilisations in their midst. All the Peruvian authorities have to do, along with their "in tow", overly-accomodating, moral-coward scientists, who misrepresent themselves as physical-anthropologists, is to call all mummies found pseudo-Incas or "Incas".
The cover-up logic goes something like this:
Heck!, the Inca people of today are a mix of a lot of groups and there are sure
to be a few bloodlines that go back to some of these "trussed-up",
mummified ancient-Gringos, which would make some of them ancestors..., right? let's just call the people found in the mummy-bags "Incas" by
association or "Incas-forebears". Heck!, it doesn't matter a damn
if those people were from a far more ancient time-frame and, in a physiological
sense, were a completely different ethnicity, with no anthropological resemblance
to the Incas of today. It doesn't matter that they were besieged at some late
epoch by opportunist interloper invaders, slaughtered, enslaved or sacrificed
on Olmec-Aztec-Inca or whoever's altars. Hell!, it doesn't matter that enslaved
enemy women were forced to have babies, fathered by their conquerors without
We'll just refer to all of these enslaved, demoralised people as "beloved ancestors" and, by virtue of "the spoils of conquest", claim any and all work they did or cultural expressions that they possessed as simply an older expression of the latter. As long as we keep all of the terms of reference very non-specific and unclear, then we can so-classify the ancient people with murky scholastic impunity and our use of such a broad, meaningless, non-threatening generalisation won't lead to career-suicide ... Lord forbid that that should happen!
In keeping with Unesco, United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the World Bank promotional policies towards "indigenous people", we'll discount as "unreliable" the oral traditions passed down by the Inca, Aztec or Mayan elders and sages, where copious reference is made to the white-skinned people who preceded them. We'll just relegate to the "mythological" all references concerning the many white and bearded Viracohas mentioned from region to region (Quetzalcoatl, Itzamnacanil, Kukulcan, Votan, Condoy, Vestiges, Bochita, Zume), etc., as if they didn't really exist and never really take these inconvenient histories seriously. Instead, we'll take a paternalistic, condescending and limited approach to the subject, which nullifies most of the facts or detours attention away from them, but strokes the egos of modern-day "indigenous people", by continued positive-reinforcement that 'you and your related ancestors (including your Nazca forebears) did all of this'.
Despite the fact that impressive archaeological ruins and architectural wonders, like those at Caral, Peru, along with their quippu artefacts, etc., are at least 5000-years old or that sites at Chilica and Paracas date to 6000 BC, we'll gloss over all that and not dwell too heavily on "who did exactly what" over the course of millennia. Instead, we'll juggle things around and move time frames forward as much as possible to better lay claim to the huge temple-pyramid complexes and 14-thousand miles of stone paved Peruvian roads or mountain traversing trackways, agricultural terraces laboriously built in inhospitable mountain terrain, huge irrigation networks, mummies, pottery, textiles, artefacts, cultural expressions and symbolism, with all highly developed accomplishments of the earlier great civilisations being more-or-less extinguished or nullified by transfer to their conquerors. We'll then strongly infer in our Ronald McDonald, PlastiC documentaries that all of these great works can be attributed to the Incas, within the rushed timeframe of less than 100-years commencing in about 1438 AD. There'll be a few vague, disarming references to Nazcans and others, (circa 100 BC through to 700 AD), but the main thrust of the exercise will be to leave the impression that latecomer Incas, by pedigree-association or otherwise, "did all of this".
Amongst the social-engineers, seen to be fudging Nazca history, is Anthony F. Aveni, the much lauded and applauded Russell B. Colgate University Professor of Astronomy and Anthropology, who states rather slyly in his book, Between The Lines:
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'Despite the fact that
the line builders preceded the Incas by a thousand years, Nasca ideas
about how to configure the pampa seemed to us to relate in a subtle way
to Inca concepts of construction. The ideologies of these two cultures,
though spread wide apart in space and time, may have been closer than
we thought. Here was a continuation of ethnic identity of Native American
people transcending more than a millennium.' (See
Between the Lines pg. 4). |
We'll then blame the "gold-lusting" Spanish Conquistadors. on the disruption of the empire to explain why the magnificence of yesteryear fell into permanent ruination The truth is that the latter-day Incas, Aztecs or Mayas could never emulate the advanced level of civilisation or breathtaking accomplishments of the earlier epoch, which predated them by thousands of years. We'll also state that the filthy, microbe-ridden Conquistadors brought the first of the exterminating diseases to the formerly sanitised and hygienic, disease-free, isolated region, thus wiping out the Aztec, Incan or whoever's civilisations by plagues. We won't mention that our anthropological probes have proven that many of the the same diseases were in residence long before the Conquistadors ever arrived and that there had been long-term contact with other continents (and their diseases) for millenniums before the Spanish conquest. We'll also omit to mention that the tiny groups of Spanish "conquerors" formed strong alliances with Indian tribes who hated the bloodthirsty, Aztec or Inca leadership and were only too happy to provide warriors-allies to overthrow these oppressive regimes.
In short, outsider social-engineers, with political agendas dictated by UNESCO, have hijacked Peruvian archaeology or the physical-anthropology of its ancient people and only let a few minor, sanitised and tailored facts come out, while the major truths cannot get past the PC filters... Ad nauseam, ad infinitum ...
As for the lines at Nazca, Dr. Hans Horkeimer, of Trujillo University, Peru observed in 1946 that, 'few of the modern residents knew anything about the lines and many did not realise they existed'. Despite this, Indian people, marching in solemn, single-line procession, now walk the lines before TV cameras while dressed in traditional costumes and playing flutes or beating drums. The somber, dignified parade is represented as an ages-old religious ritual, constantly observed since ancient times. This newly concocted role-play seems geared more towards satisfying the hypothetical fantasies of modern-day archaeologists, social-engineers and documentary makers than any traditional appeasing of old Inca gods.
What we desperately need is legitimate and unbiased "physical anthropologists" who will tell us the truth about the physiology and ethnic origins of ancient Nazcans. We've had more than enough of "cultural-anthropologists" or "humanist-anthropologists" or "social-anthropologists", who are well trained in the art of substituting real history for nonsensical, PC dribble.
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Social anthropologist, Helaine Silverman states, in touchy-feely, maternalistic fashion: 'If we look at Nazca pottery; if we look at the textiles; if we look at the Pyramids at Cahuachi we see that all of the technology necessary for making the Nazca lines, the geoglyphs on the Pampa, were present in Andean society. So why do we have to look to more advanced societies, be they extra-terrestrials or ancient Egyptians? People with that kind of attitude are appropriating the achievements of Andean people and they're denying the cultural creativity that so manifests in this country'. Well Helaine, instead of heart-tugging appeals for reason or "guilt-loading" heaped onto anyone who dares to look dispassionately at the full body of scientific evidence, why not provide us with real, "warts-'n-all" facts. All you've succeeded in doing so far is to make multiples of misattributions, based solely upon the requirements of the PC establishment. Stop wasting our time with banal, emotive nonsense and propaganda! |
Silverman speaks in gushy adoration of her colleague Anthony Aveni in a reciprocal arrangement of two-way adulation. Silverman reviewed Aveni's year-2000 book and he describes Helaine Silverman as: "particularly instrumental in influencing the course of our research after 1982.' With social-engineers like this hogging and controlling the flow of information from Nazca, there seems to be little hope of advancing true scholarship related to the region in the foreseeable future.
In the May 2002 issue of National Geographic Magazine
a large centrefold illustration shows a cutaway view of the contents of a
typical mummy bundle from Tupac Amaru (left). Although all of the mummies
appearing in the documentary were individuals with lighter hues of wavy thin
hair and distinctly Caucasoid European physiology, the magazine illustration
(above left) depicts a deceased individual with distinctly Inca Indian facial
physiology and jet black hair. What should have been represented is the European
physical type, like that of a woman shown above to the right, with a very
triangular nose opening, prominent chin and thin, wavy, chestnut brown hair*.
Furthermore, a caption on the National Geographic illustration reads: 'DNA
from their bones should reveal if the dead are father and child ...'
The truth of the matter goes much deeper, as the whole package of DNA, blood
groups, hair type and physical-anthropological analysis would reveal that
these mummy-bundle people were (predominently if not exclusively) Caucasoid
Europeans with root origins in the Mediterranean and Continental Europe. We
can safely assume, however, that there will never be any public announcement
of this very unwelcome scientific fact and that we'll continue to be fed only
Inca-aggrandising propaganda as a substitute for true history.
*Footnote: Heyerdahl writes: "Before I was kindly furnished with this interesting information by Trotter, the British Museum had suggested W. R. Dawson as a leading British authority to consult on the question of possible change in mummy hair. Dawson (1928, p. 127) who is earlier quoted as examining on the Pacific coast of North Chile an embalmed adult woman with "abundant light-brown hair", was kind enough to send me his opinion as follows:
"From the examination of a large number of mummies both from Egypt and other countries including South America, my opinion is that hair does not undergo any marked change post-mortem. The hair of a wavy or curly individual remains curly or wavy, and that of a straight-haired person remains straight. In mummies and desiccated bodies the hair has a tendency to be crisp and brittle, but this is the natural result of the drying-up of the selacetes glands, which during life, feed fatty matter into the hairfollicles which keeps the hair supple and flexible ... it seems to me very unlikely that any change in colour would take place in a body which had never been exposed to the light, ...To sum up then, all the evidence I have indicates that the nature of hair does not alter after death except in becoming dry and brittle."
For evidence of longterm Caucasoid-European presence in the Americas see:
So, despite the politically-expedient limitations imposed by our politically-aligned experts, now that we know that the early inhabitants who lived contemporaneously to the line-making were ethnic European-Caucasoids, we can test the geometry of Nazca using age-old European distance and angle standards. These very well-known measurement systems, shared by all the cousin European nations, were very prevalent during the Neolithic Age of Great Britain, but stem from further back in time to the many Eastern Mediterranean countries where European forebears once lived, extending yet further afield to Northern India and the Tarin Basin.