A vast tapestry of geometry, consisting of lines, trapezoids, rectangles, triangles, glyphs, cairn markers, mounds, etc., is etched into the desert (pampa) near Nazca, Peru. The intricate design work covers a region of about 400-square miles, with yet further pockets of similar geometry being found beyond the main groupings. Some individual lines run uninterrupted for several miles. The Nazca geometry has survived, mostly intact, for potentially thousands of years because of the arid, rainless conditions of the high desert, with the result that the greatest destruction wrought has been in the past 50-years due to mindless vehicle and foot traffic crunching over the lines.

The Nazca lines, as they've come to be known, represent one of the most baffling mysteries of our age and our expert archaeologists cannot decipher either their meaning or provide any plausible, rational and acceptable explanation as to why they were made.


One would think that in an age of advanced analytical methods, coupled with high technology surveying tools, the huge desert designs would constitute a relatively easy puzzle to solve, complicated only by the sheer volume of lines present. After all, it's only geometry or lines of very measurable lengths and angles. Don't we get constant Hollywood reminders about the brilliant military code-breakers, who, since 1940, have been able to crack Japanese diplomatic codes or the German enigma cipher and, supposedly, to this day, continue to use complex cryptanalysis to fight cyberterrorism? What about all of those professors of mathematics, architecture or surveying languishing in our universities? Couldn't some of them do a bit of number-crunching for us on their computers?

Interspersed everywhere throughout this vast sea of patterns at Nazca are recognisable cairn hubs, from which lines emanate outwards like the spokes of a cartwheel. It's obvious that the cairn humps represented surveying stations and the lines originating from the cairns provide clearly measurable beginning and end points in most cases, except in rare circumstances where ancient flood plain wash has obscured or erased some line ends. Most of the long-stretching lines have clearly marked intervals or stations along their lengths, indicating that one is to measure the overall line in individual segments of varying length. Some of the segment lengths will, very deliberately, turn to a marginally different degree angle for a certain span or run, which can then revert back to the more general angle defined within the overall, segmented line.

Any modern surveyor who gives the Nazca Lines a cursory glance immediately sees the work of very adept ancient surveyors who were using the ages-old standard techniques of surveying methodology. The lines were clearly set out to prescribed and required design-lengths and angles, in much the same way as a modern surveyor has to shoot lines and then peg-mark the lengths in accordance with the architect's plan.

Our experts have failed because:

  1. Under their all-dominating, classicist-isolationist interpretation of history, our mainstream experts are not allowed to entertain the fact that ancient ship building was highly advanced and that the wide oceans represented much traveled highways to other continents. According to the all-dominating classicist-isolationist religion that our experts espouse, anything found at Nazca had to develop locally and in isolation from influences on other continents.

  2. Under the requirements of the PC establishment, anything found has to be the handiwork of ancestors to the present day indigenous population. To suggest that a totally unrelated civilisation might have created the lines would not only be "culturally insensitive", but also an affront to regional honour and a repugnant insult to even suggest. Findings, therefore, have to be tailored, blurred or fudged to suit a late-era timeframe and the ethnicity or physical anthropology of the tens-of-thousands of perfectly preserved, anomalous mummies, of very remote age found at Nazca and surrounding districts, must never get any honourable mention in mainstream publications, lest that lead to informed discussion.

  3. Our experts are very reluctant to factor in the possibility that ancient people had sophisticated measuring rules, compass devices, surveying tools, layout techniques, as well as precise weights, volumes and area standards. Despite the fact that a multitude of huge, perfectly engineered edifices were built in remote antiquity, apparently it was all done in measurements based upon the distance from the tips of someone's fingers to the point of the elbow or across the width of the builder's hand and fingers. Although it is well known that the many great civilisations of the Mediterranean Basin and Europe had precise "miles", "stadias", "reeds", "cubits" or "feet" of very specific and refined length, none of the experts at Nazca would dare to look at those standards for comparative-analysis. A vast expanse of water called the Atlantic Ocean separates the two regions of the world, so, according to the classicist-isolationist religion, none of the Mediterranean-European standards could possibly have migrated across that wide, impassible watery ditch to the Americas. Our experts have looked in vain for a unique, local standard of measurement that might have been used at Nazca, but couldn't find one.

  4. According to our experts, the Nazca builders were very superstitious and, as recently as 550 AD, built the lines for the purpose of appeasing and stroking the egos of the "gods", in an attempt to get them to send rain during an extended drought of 40-years duration. The fact that Nazca is about the driest place on earth, where a small rain every few years causes a sensation when it happens, or that there has been no significant rainfall there since the end of the last ice-age, tends to make such a hypotheses laughable in the extreme. As it turns out, the expansive sprawl of the Andes mountain ranges just inland, offer a huge catchments area and the Nazca desert region is fed by a multitude of subterranean springs and wells, making water sources, for the most part, eternally abundant.

Before Nazca desert region could be made habitable, to sustain the sizeable population that settled there several thousand years ago, over 93-miles (150-kilometers) of mostly subterranean aqueducts had to be dug. Along with these, there were 28 filtration galleries, some of which penetrate underground over two thirds of a mile into the hard conglomerate deposits and bring out 25 litres of water per second. The trussed mummy, with the very fine, auburn-red hair, seen to the right, is typical of the tens of thousands of mummies that have been found in the region. This reddish hair colour is found on only a very small percentage of the world's population (about 1-2%). The largest, present-day concentration of redheads in the world is in the United Kingdom, where 13-percent of the population has red hair and 40-percent carry the recessive red gene. The gene is strongly represented in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland or amongst the Germanic and Scandinavian tribes, Finns, Russians, Basques and extending to the most ancient occupants of Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean (where the early mummies have red, blond, or other European hues of hair colour) to the former population of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic (the Gaunche ... where the early mummified people found were ethnic Europeans).

Red hair was very prominent in the ancient Pacific, from Easter Island (where the giant, long faced statues had "red" top-knot stones placed on their heads) to New Zealand. In fact, the earliest cave burials of New Zealand (at the very ends of the Earth) were observed to be Caucasoid people with red hair. These most ancient New Zealanders also buried their dead in a trussed, sitting position, alongside personal possessions, in much the same manner as is found with the Nazca mummies. A huge amount of artefact, flora and cultural evidence shows a direct link between ancient New Zealand and Peru. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_hair#Geographic_distribution

Well watered, fertile pockets of farmland sit adjacent or very near to the Nazca lines and ancient people, etching or using the lines, could return a reasonably short distance each evening to locations offering hospitable conditions of shelter and sustenance. In essence, the Nazca region would have been an exceptional centre for an "open-air university" if the lines were set out for the purpose of offering tutorials, of some sort, to initiate students.

Based upon the mummy evidence of the region, these tall stature, Caucasoid, dolichocephalic-cranium, long thin faced people with typical European hues of multi-coloured hair, built the Nazca aqueducts, settled the area and made the farms productive. They then undertook the huge task of etching 800 lines and other geometric shapes and glyphs into the desert to indelibly encode their ages-old sciences, brought with them to the region from the Mediterranean and Europe.

...as opposed to:

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, large organisations like National Geographics are obliged to depict the lines as being built by, what can only be described as, late era Inca Indian look-alikes or those who subjugated the earlier Caucasoid-European inhabitants and extinguished their civilisation. The latter Incas were a completely different physical type, with traits that would be classified as predominantly "Mongoloid" and a radical departure away from the physiology of the tens of thousands of - Lima - Paracas - Chapapoyas- Nazca - Chinchoros (Chilean), etc., mummies that have been found. To show the true builders and what they really looked like would, apparently, not be "politically-correct" or "racially-sensitive"and might cause offense, so our school-children have to be subjected to fantasy-propaganda pseudo-history. Part of the problem for this gross "sin of omission" might be attributable to nuances of interpretation within the various "code of ethics" requirements, foisted upon our archaeologists and anthropologists, who are not allowed to divulge information that is not in keeping with the aggrandizement and promotion of the present-day, so-called, "indigenous" population. Our professionals are now so bound-up by delimiting conventions of the United Nations & UNESCO, etc., that significant observations and discoveries have to go, largely, unreported and true history cannot be freely disseminated.

There also appears, very strongly, to be a concentrated academic campaign to erase ancient "European-Caucasoid" historical traces from the majority of continents or regions around the world where they once dwelt and built long enduring civilisations. Under the heavily imposed and vigilantly-monitored rules of the PC establishment, there is an overriding requirement to force Europeans to be utterly "self-effacing". Not only are they "not allowed" to know large parts of their suppressed history, but for Europeans to mention or have pride in the accomplishments of their very mobilised, distant forebears somehow constitutes deep-set and despicable"racism", highly-offensive and repugnant to other ethnicities. While the PC establishment requires that the accomplishments of all non-European ethnicities be lauded and applauded, European history is muted, marginalised, dumbed-down or subjected to negatively-derisive and accusative commentary.

Something that Europeans might consider doing, for the first time in decades, is to begin researching and writing anew their own "warts-'n-all" history, based solely upon proper scientific evidence.

Although very definite historical "events" or historical "facts" are either well documented or can be proven by clinical scientific procedures, under prevailing postmodernist wisdom there are no absolutes, only lots of "opinions". The argument goes that nothing is simply "black or white", everything is "relative" or some kind of fuzzy grey fog without any definitive meaning. Chronic liars, control-freaks and spin-doctors have gotten a lot of mileage out of this deliberately-confused, postmodernist route to deception.

What has been presented to the world, during the past 50-years (especially) by politically-motivated experts as somehow representative of European history, is nothing short of abysmal scholarship at best and sinister scholarship at its worst.

The big secret appears to be that, quite often, the amazing architectural or engineering feats and cultural achievements, found scattered across several continents, were not the product of the present, "indigenous" population or their direct ancestors. Oftimes, residual archaeological evidences that are at the heart of present-day national pride need to be reclaimed by their European owners, whose forebears put the great works in place before they themselves were extinguished by invaders or camp-followers. This sorry situation of misattributions is very prevalent from Egypt and the southern Mediterranean coastline to the Atlantic, then to North, Central and South America and across the entire Pacific to New Zealand. Other regions within Northern India and parts of Asia are similarly affected by this unwelcome evidence.

With regards to anomalous, unwanted and out of place human remains of European physiology being hijacked, then all scientific information about their true ethnicity coming under the control of unrelated, so-called, "indigenous groups" and politically motivated control-freaks, the American Association of Physical Anthropologists complained:

Finally, is there harm in returning remains to a tribe with no demonstrable cultural affiliation to those remains? The answer is an emphatic yes. Such repatriations carry a high probability of error, in the sense that the actual affiliations may well turn out to be with other groups. Our knowledge of the past is not static, but keeps improving with time. For example, recent breakthroughs in DNA analysis mean that many currently unidentifiable remains may well be identifiable in the future. Thus, premature repatriation to an unaffiliated group runs the risk, in fact the near certainty, of disenfranchising at least some of the groups to which those remains are truly affiliated. It also deprives all other groups, Native American and otherwise, of the opportunity to learn about our shared humanity from those remains. http://physanth.org/positions/kennewick.html

Let's now go and look at what is really, very tangibly, on the ground at Nazca:
